Sunday, July 18, 2021


 Cant remember the last time i logged in my blog, surprised i log in… its been awhile… years what i like to say, its against the rules to blog but i dont care… been institutionalized or in orther words been rehabed for twice, 17 months on my first program, finished it, graduated, after a year im back! After the burial of my father… great… now im out after aftet 17 months yet my program is not complete… hardships or what so ever, my future is not in my hands… not 21 months as of this writing, im still cuffed or tied… people checking me always, our maids have to report everything… im still in a BOX! Boxed for life… what i can do is BLIND OBIDIENCE… follow without asking, making use of what they provide,… im volcano waiting ti errupt… wheres the psychology? Follow this and that and your family will be happy… how about me? Sacrifice is about recovery, up to when? Till i bust?! Oh you should tell us about you problem… oh well mu problem is my sister! She controlls all, money, the way we live, ooopss containing us for her benefit… thats all… tell you other details tom…